My story


Hello! My name is Cristiana 

I’m a natural medicine specialist operating from my health studio in Bromley, Greater London, and online.

I’ve always loved working one-to-one with clients – first as a personal trainer and as a pilates teacher. But my journey into natural medicine began at age forty, when I received a diagnosis for a rare form of breast cancer.
After assessing the options available, I decided to take my health into my own hands and embarked on a journey of research and self-discovery. It wasn’t an easy path to take, but it was undoubtedly the most rewarding.

"After just one year, I was cancer-free and remain so after almost ten years. I am now healthier than I was twenty years ago and feel great!"

Today, I work with clients to help them address some of the underlying causes of their health concerns, whether it’s childhood traumas, trapped negative emotions or toxins that have been accumulated over time. By working together, I aim to inspire you on your journey towards a happier and healthier you.

You can contact me directly and book FREE 15-minute consultation.

 If you’re looking to replenish your body with a relaxing detox retreat, learn more about my services as The Detox Master.

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+44 (0) 7533470532